Jan 22, 2011

Expressing Nuance

I try to write journals on my weblog in prosaic and simple text. Sometimes I write rhetorical text to express nuance.

For example I wrote about the comeback of Keisuke Kuwata on Kohaku Utagassen on my Japanese weblog (http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yagian/) as below.


I had a deep feeling, which could not be expressed in words. I wrote a long and periphrastic sentence in order to express the nuance of that feeling. I guess that Japanese readers can understand that nuance.

I wrote about the same thing on my English weblog as below.

"I guess he might have had a very tough time, so I didn’t know how I should listen to his song “The Truth Is, Romance and Love Are Dreadful” (Honto Wa Kowai Love To Romance), which is very light and nonsensial. I was just moved."

What do you think of it? I tried to express the nuance as best as I could. I looked in a dictionary, checked examples on Eijiro (http://goo.gl/9gi0) and searched my expression on Google to make my text natural-sounding for native speakers. But I am not sure what nuance native speakers feel from my text.

It is very difficult to express what I want to convey in a secondary language.

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