Jan 7, 2013

The Bronx and Yamanote, Woody and Me

Last December I saw the film "Woody Allen Documentary" in a small movie theater in Hibiya, Tokyo.

I watched the great scenes of Woody's films, and I became to want to see his films. So I saw "Annie Hall" and "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" on DVD during the recent New Year's holidays.

I think that Woody's films that were shot in Europe aren't bad, but I love his films that were shot in New York; The ones that he himself and Diane Keaton appeared in. Although all the actresses in his films have been really attractive, I believe that Diane is the most charming of all the actresses who appeared in his films.

I feel a sense of intimacy with these films, because I think that Bronx, New York is similar to Yamanote (Uptown Tokyo is called "Yamanote"), Tokyo, and Woody who was born and raised in the Bronx similar to me who was born and raised in Yamanote.

Both the Bronx and Yamanote are old enough to be unique, but they don't have a long history like Rome or Kyoto. Woody loves the Bronx as his hometown, but he knows that Bronx isn't the most glamorous town. I also love Yamanote, but I agree that Kyoto is the most sophisticated city in Japan.

Woody is argumentative and ironic in his films, but at the same time sentimental. There might be this kind of "pseudo-intelligentsia" in big cities in the world, and I am a member of this tribe.

Now he shoots films mainly in Europe, and he seems to be happy. But I'm looking forward to his new film shot in New York.

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