I heard news about the President Obama supported gay marriage. I think that he is brave to do so, even if he is aware of the election.
"Obama says gay marriage stance ‘the right thing to do,’ courts women, gay, young voters in NYC" Washington Post By Associated Press, Published: May 15
I have written previously about the gay society in Japan.
"Everyday Life in Shinjuku 2-chome: Gay People Aren't Special at All"
Of course there is discrimination against gay people and some people hate them, but generally speaking Japanese society is relatively tolerant of gay people, because our religion has never prohibited homosexuality and Japan have a long tradition of homosexuality, which is called "衆道 shudo".
In the U.S., the problem with gay marriage is deeply related to Christianity and it's always quite dangerous to state about the problems of religion, because some people are intolerant.
I think that the system of PACS in French is quite a wise solution to this problem.
"Civil solidarity pact" Wikipedia
PACS has secularized marriage. A gay couple can have almost the same rights as a married heterosexual couple without coming into conflict with the religious principles of Christianity.
I don't know why, but in Japan most people and politicians have no interest in the issue of gay marriage. As I wrote, Japan has had the long tradition of homosexuality, but it has been completely outside of marriage. They couldn't even imagine a marriage between same sex partners.
I heard that some gay couple in Japan became a father and a son in law because they wanted to ensure the succession of property to each other. If they lived in French, they must use PACS.
But even PACS doesn't allow any consanguineous marriage, bigamous marriage and plural marriage. If they are consensual, I can't understand what is the problem is.
I support gay marriage, consanguineous marriage, bigamous marriage and plural marriage!
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